Innovation Day Reflection

Through the month of March, the Grade 6 class went through the scientific method and created games that include circuits. I was working with my friend, Noa Tili.

Before Innovation Day started, I was excited to start the experiments and the writing, but throughout the process, I found that I was much better at building than I was at the writing. I was also worried that maybe we wouldn’t have enough time to get the project finished. One thing that I love about what we did is we put our information on a separate Google Doc from our experiments and it helped with our organisation. One big challenge we had to overcome was that the days where we were putting our information on to the bristle boards, my partner, Noa Tili, was absent, so I was putting our slides on to our board by myself. Another thing we had to avoid was that the tape we used to stick our information on the board was not quite strong enough, so right before the presentations, we were re-sticking our papers on. One thing I would change next time is, I would try to put more color onto my board and make my project more appealing. Here is a copy of our slides:

Buzz Hockey

Overall I think this project was really fun and was challenging.  This project was an amazing chance to practice working with friends and to practice presenting to the judges. I’m really excited for my next project. I guess you’ll have to wait and see what I do…

Thank you for reading!


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